

Spring Detox

Everything seems possible in spring. It’s the season of hope, of fresh life and new beginnings. It’s also the perfect time to turn over a fresh leaf and embark on a detox plan! Over the winter months, some of us may have overindulged in food and drink. Perhaps we let...

These 5 Simple Stretches Will Help Your Golf Swing

Roll up to the course just before your tee time. Hit some golf balls. Play 18 holes. Perplexed by why you feel tight during and after your round.Does this routine sound familiar? If you’re like most golfers, you probably know how important flexibility is to the...

Health Coaches: What they do and how they can help you?

Find out if a health coach is the key to taking your health to the next level. A health coach sounds like something for the rich and famous. But you don’t have to have your own reality show or an entourage to reap the benefits of health coaching. An increasing number...